Cast member in a black dress waving her hand in front of her, a cast member in a white dress holding a chalice, and other cast members standing in the background watching the two women in the front.

Dark Goddess '04


Dark Goddess '04

Conceived and Directed by Bonnie Cullum
Musical Composition by Content Love Knowles
Presented by The VORTEX
Production Photos

In this all-new theatre ritual, Dark Goddess '04, VORTEX Producing Artistic Director, Bonnie Cullum, teams up with 11 dynamic priestesses and goddesses to create theatre ritual. The stunning gathering of goddesses in Dark Goddess '04 includes a global array of the Divine Feminine.

Original music, dance, and text blend to bring forth the essence of each goddess. In a magical ritual setting, these dark Goddesses remember promises, create challenges, confront fear, explore mysteries, offer healing, celebrate sex, and embrace death. This theatre ritual seeks to create more balance in the world by re-membering these goddesses, telling their stories, and seeking their wisdom.

The VORTEX launched the initial production of Dark Goddess in January 2000 and then created new productions in 2001 and 2002. Over these three years, thousands flocked to The VORTEX to experience this theatre ritual which honors the energies of dark goddesses from diverse cultures.

Dark Goddess '04 CAST

Heather Barfield (Blodewedd), Jo Beth Henderson (Sheila-na-Gig), Content Love Knowles (Circi), Le Easter (Ishtar), Traci Laird (Star of the Sea), Nadia Feltes (Medusa), Kate Michael Gibson (Fata Morgana), Dawn Larned (Bear Woman), Natalie Villarreal (Virgin de Guadalupe & Tonazin), Selina Wright (Hine Turama), Heather Huggins (Kali).

Production TEAM

Conceived and Directed by Bonnie Cullum. Scenic Designer: Ann Marie Gordon. Lighting Designer: Jason Amato. Costume Designer: Kari Perkins. Dramaturg Kimberley Mead. Music and Script by performing Actresses/Goddesses


B. Iden Payne Award Nomination: Sound Design: Content Love Knowles